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libcamera::ipa::Pwl Class Reference

Describe a univariate piecewise linear function in two-dimensional real space. More...


class  Interval
 Describe an interval in one-dimensional real space. More...

Public Types

using Point = Vector< double, 2 >
 Describe a point in two-dimensional real space.

Public Member Functions

 Pwl ()
 Construct an empty piecewise linear function.
 Pwl (const std::vector< Point > &points)
 Construct a piecewise linear function from a list of 2D points. More...
 Pwl (std::vector< Point > &&points)
 Construct a piecewise linear function from a list of 2D points. More...
void append (double x, double y, double eps=1e-6)
 Append a point to the end of the piecewise linear function. More...
bool empty () const
 Check if the piecewise linear function is empty. More...
size_t size () const
 Retrieve the number of points in the piecewise linear function. More...
Interval domain () const
 Get the domain of the piecewise linear function. More...
Interval range () const
 Get the range of the piecewise linear function. More...
double eval (double x, int *span=nullptr, bool updateSpan=true) const
 Evaluate the piecewise linear function. More...
std::pair< Pwl, bool > inverse (double eps=1e-6) const
 Compute the inverse function. More...
Pwl compose (const Pwl &other, double eps=1e-6) const
 Compose two piecewise linear functions together. More...
void map (std::function< void(double x, double y)> f) const
 Apply function to (x, y) values at every control point. More...
Pwloperator*= (double d)
 Multiply the piecewise linear function. More...
std::string toString () const
 Assemble and return a string describing the piecewise linear function. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Pwl combine (const Pwl &pwl0, const Pwl &pwl1, std::function< double(double x, double y0, double y1)> f, double eps=1e-6)
 Combine two Pwls. More...

Detailed Description

Describe a univariate piecewise linear function in two-dimensional real space.

A piecewise linear function is a univariate function that maps reals to reals, and it is composed of multiple straight-line segments.

While a mathematical piecewise linear function would usually be defined by a list of linear functions and for which values of the domain they apply, this Pwl class is instead defined by a list of points at which these line segments intersect. These intersecting points are known as knots.

A consequence of the Pwl class being defined by knots instead of linear functions is that the values of the piecewise linear function past the ends of the function are constants as opposed to linear functions. In a mathematical piecewise linear function that is defined by multiple linear functions, the ends of the function are also linear functions and hence grow to infinity (or negative infinity). However, since this Pwl class is defined by knots, the y-value of the leftmost and rightmost knots will hold for all x values to negative infinity and positive infinity, respectively.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Pwl() [1/2]

libcamera::ipa::Pwl::Pwl ( const std::vector< Point > &  points)

Construct a piecewise linear function from a list of 2D points.

[in]pointsVector of points from which to construct the piecewise linear function

points must be in ascending order of x-value.

◆ Pwl() [2/2]

libcamera::ipa::Pwl::Pwl ( std::vector< Point > &&  points)

Construct a piecewise linear function from a list of 2D points.

[in]pointsVector of points from which to construct the piecewise linear function

points must be in ascending order of x-value.

The contents of the points vector is moved to the newly constructed Pwl instance.

Member Function Documentation

◆ append()

void libcamera::ipa::Pwl::append ( double  x,
double  y,
double  eps = 1e-6 

Append a point to the end of the piecewise linear function.

[in]xx-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
[in]yy-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
[in]epsEpsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)

The point's x-coordinate must be greater than the x-coordinate of the last (= greatest) point already in the piecewise linear function.

◆ combine()

Pwl libcamera::ipa::Pwl::combine ( const Pwl pwl0,
const Pwl pwl1,
std::function< double(double x, double y0, double y1)>  f,
double  eps = 1e-6 

Combine two Pwls.

[in]pwl0First piecewise linear function
[in]pwl1Second piecewise linear function
[in]fFunction to be applied
[in]epsEpsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)

Create a new Pwl where the y values are given by running f wherever either pwl has a knot.

The combined pwl

◆ compose()

Pwl libcamera::ipa::Pwl::compose ( const Pwl other,
double  eps = 1e-6 
) const

Compose two piecewise linear functions together.

[in]otherThe "other" piecewise linear function
[in]epsEpsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)

The "this" function is done first, and "other" after.

The composed piecewise linear function

◆ domain()

Pwl::Interval libcamera::ipa::Pwl::domain ( ) const

Get the domain of the piecewise linear function.

An interval representing the domain

◆ empty()

libcamera::ipa::Pwl::empty ( ) const

Check if the piecewise linear function is empty.

True if there are no points in the function, false otherwise

◆ eval()

double libcamera::ipa::Pwl::eval ( double  x,
int *  span = nullptr,
bool  updateSpan = true 
) const

Evaluate the piecewise linear function.

[in]xThe x value to input into the function
[in,out]spanInitial guess for span
[in]updateSpanSet to true to update span

Evaluate Pwl, optionally supplying an initial guess for the "span". The "span" may be optionally be updated. If you want to know the "span" value but don't have an initial guess you can set it to -1.

The result of evaluating the piecewise linear function at position x

◆ inverse()

std::pair< Pwl, bool > libcamera::ipa::Pwl::inverse ( double  eps = 1e-6) const

Compute the inverse function.

[in]epsEpsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)

The output includes whether the resulting inverse function is a proper (true) inverse, or only a best effort (e.g. input was non-monotonic).

A pair of the inverse piecewise linear function, and whether or not the result is a proper/true inverse

◆ map()

void libcamera::ipa::Pwl::map ( std::function< void(double x, double y)>  f) const

Apply function to (x, y) values at every control point.

[in]fFunction to be applied

◆ operator*=()

Pwl & libcamera::ipa::Pwl::operator*= ( double  d)

Multiply the piecewise linear function.

[in]dScalar multiplier to multiply the function by
This function, after it has been multiplied by d

◆ range()

Pwl::Interval libcamera::ipa::Pwl::range ( ) const

Get the range of the piecewise linear function.

An interval representing the range

◆ size()

libcamera::ipa::Pwl::size ( ) const

Retrieve the number of points in the piecewise linear function.

The number of points in the piecewise linear function

◆ toString()

std::string libcamera::ipa::Pwl::toString ( ) const

Assemble and return a string describing the piecewise linear function.

A string describing the piecewise linear function

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