libcamera  v0.3.1+1-c9152bad
Supporting cameras in Linux since 2019
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
4  *
5  * libcamera Pixel Format
6  */
8 #pragma once
10 #include <ostream>
11 #include <set>
12 #include <stdint.h>
13 #include <string>
15 namespace libcamera {
18 {
19 public:
20  constexpr PixelFormat()
21  : fourcc_(0), modifier_(0)
22  {
23  }
25  explicit constexpr PixelFormat(uint32_t fourcc, uint64_t modifier = 0)
26  : fourcc_(fourcc), modifier_(modifier)
27  {
28  }
30  bool operator==(const PixelFormat &other) const;
31  bool operator!=(const PixelFormat &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
32  bool operator<(const PixelFormat &other) const;
34  constexpr bool isValid() const { return fourcc_ != 0; }
36  constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return fourcc_; }
37  constexpr uint32_t fourcc() const { return fourcc_; }
38  constexpr uint64_t modifier() const { return modifier_; }
40  std::string toString() const;
42  static PixelFormat fromString(const std::string &name);
44 private:
45  uint32_t fourcc_;
46  uint64_t modifier_;
47 };
49 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PixelFormat &f);
51 } /* namespace libcamera */
static PixelFormat fromString(const std::string &name)
Create a PixelFormat from a string.
Definition: pixel_format.cpp:138
libcamera image pixel format
Definition: pixel_format.h:17
bool operator==(const PixelFormat &other) const
Compare pixel formats for equality.
Definition: pixel_format.cpp:50
Top-level libcamera namespace.
Definition: backtrace.h:17
constexpr PixelFormat()
Construct a PixelFormat with an invalid format.
Definition: pixel_format.h:20
constexpr bool isValid() const
Check if the pixel format is valid.
Definition: pixel_format.h:34
bool operator!=(const PixelFormat &other) const
Compare pixel formats for inequality.
Definition: pixel_format.h:31
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Point &p)
Insert a text representation of a Point into an output stream.
Definition: geometry.cpp:91
constexpr uint32_t fourcc() const
Retrieve the pixel format FourCC.
Definition: pixel_format.h:37
bool operator<(const PixelFormat &other) const
Compare pixel formats for smaller than order.
Definition: pixel_format.cpp:65
constexpr PixelFormat(uint32_t fourcc, uint64_t modifier=0)
Construct a PixelFormat from a DRM FourCC and a modifier.
Definition: pixel_format.h:25
std::string toString() const
Assemble and return a string describing the pixel format.
Definition: pixel_format.cpp:107
constexpr uint64_t modifier() const
Retrieve the pixel format modifier.
Definition: pixel_format.h:38