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Upcoming hardware support: Mali-C55 ISP

The libcamera team is working to bring up open-source support for Arm’s Mali-C55 Image Signal Processor. This ISP is a new offering from Arm building on the C52 ISP and offering up to 48 MP image resolution, multi-camera support and a range of processing blocks to deliver high-quality image output. The Mali-C55 should appear in production silicon soon and will be usable with an entirely open-source software stack.
libcamera @FOSDEM 2023
- 04 February 2023
- Language: en
- Category: conference

In recent months, Jacopo has been pushing hard to get the Pine Phone Pro to have upstream support for cameras. As part of his developments he has written a talk showing and demonstrating the current progress and capabilitites.
libcamera @ELCE 2022
- 09 September 2022
- Language: en
- Category: conference

The libcamera team is demonstrating the latest open source camera developments at Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2022 in Dublin. Two demonstractions are set up to present three different hardware platforms, all running open source 3A control algorithms.
GSoC 2021: Final report for multistream support in the GStreamer element

This is Google Summer of Code 2021 project under libcamera aimed at achieving: is now available
- 16 March 2021
- Language: en
- Category: announcements

The bug tracker is now online. You can use it to report bugs, express wishes, discuss and follow up on issues, and even to find open issues to hack on if you want to get into libcamera development. Happy bug squashing!
GSoC 2021: libcamera has been accepted as a mentor organization!
- 13 March 2021
- Language: en
- Category: announcements

libcamera is excited to announce that it is selected for Google Summer of Code 2021 as a mentoring organization for the first time.
libcamera powers Raspberry Pi’s Open Source Camera System

Traditionally, configuring a camera device on an embedded Linux system has involved a twisty maze of libraries, frameworks, and proprietary vendor blobs. Now, the libcamera project has supported Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. with its release of the Raspberry Pi Open Source Camera System, using libcamera to offer the first product-quality fully open camera stack.
ELCE 2019 recording now available
- 08 November 2019
- Language: en
- Category: conference

Jacopo’s talk “A call for Public API Review” is now available on youtube.
libcamera @ELCE 2019
- 26 October 2019
- Language: en
- Category: conference

Jacopo will launch the call for public API review with his talk at the Embedded Linux Conference 2019. We will hold a libcamera workshop the following morning to review the API and discuss use cases. If you would like to attend the workshop, please let us know.
libcamera in

Following the presentation by Laurent Pinchart at OSS Japan, Jonathon Corbet has written about libcamera in Read the article at